Saturday, June 17, 2006

scandinavian bathrooms

I was being very narcissistic staring at my new hair cut so I thought I'd take pictures in as many bathrooms as possible (where i had privacy and the camera). So I think it's a kind of interesting series as bathrooms are awfully similar but also pretty different. And then there's me trying to figure out how to arrange my face... mixed success.

Reykjavik, Iceland. Reykjavik 871 +/-2.

Reykjavik, Iceland. Kling Klang Gallery.

Stockholm, Sweden. Malmö Konsthall.

Stockholm, Sweden. Stockholm-Arlanda Airport.

Helsinki, Finland. Tori Tower.

Helsinki, Finland. Artist's Home.

Helsinki, Finland. UIAH - University of Art and Design.

Helsinki, Finland. KIASMA Museum of Contemporary Art.

Helsinki, Finland. Museum of Finnish Design.

Oslo, Norway. Japanese Restaurant.

Friday, June 02, 2006

more words?

i've been liking bits of words lately...

antique memories, yellowed
leave from the the brittle petals
of painted dresses long unworn
